Exclusive to Supersonics Pro members, these books offer an array of music options to print instantly or purchase as professionally printed hardcopies. Discover a wide range of pieces suitable for all levels and musical preferences.
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Go on a “middle C” adventure (Early to Mid Elementary). Go exploring…
This book features eight studies that work on rotation (Early to Late Elementary). Go exploring…
Fight for supremacy in the battle for the Dark Sun (Mid Elementary). Go exploring…
Scenes from winter (Early Elementary to Mid Intermediate). Go exploring…
Learn to move all around the instrument by using landmark notes (Early to Mid Elementary). Go exploring…
Introduce students to the wonderful world of swing (Mid to Late Elementary). Go exploring…
Engage your students with some “groovy” sounds (Early Elementary to Early Intermediate). Go exploring…
An exploration of the modes of the major scale (Mid to Late Elementary). Go exploring…
An exploration of “unusual” sounds (Late Elementary to Early Intermediate). Go exploring…
Explore the “high Cs” on the stave (Mid to Late Elementary) Go exploring…
An exploration of “jazzy” sounds (Late Elementary to Mid Intermediate). Go exploring…
Sail the oceans with Captain Dan in this exploration of the first six minor keys (Early Intermediate). Go exploring…
A virtuosic exploration of right hand arpeggio patterns in the 10 “easiest” major and minor keys (Late Elementary to Late Intermediate). Go exploring…
A wide-ranging exploration of the sounds of space (Mid Elementary to Early Advanced). Go exploring…
Fly through the cosmos in this exploration of the six “trickier” minor keys (Mid Intermediate). Go exploring…
An exploration of sounds from around the world (Mid Intermediate. Go exploring…
Try to escape the castle (Early to Mid Elementary). Go exploring…
Try to escape the castle (again) while exploring the keys of A, D and E minor (Mid to Late Elementary). Go exploring…
Battle all the Bass Bosses to master the secrets of the bass clef (Early to Mid Elementary). Go exploring…
Head back into battle against the bas clef Bass Bosses (Mid Elementary). Go exploring…
How fast can your fingers move? Let’s find out (Early to Mid Elementary). Go exploring…
How fast can your fingers move? Let’s find out (Late Elementary to Early Intermediate). Go exploring…
How fast can your fingers move? Let’s find out (Early to Mid Intermediate). Go exploring…
How fast can your fingers move? Let’s find out (Mid Intermediate to Advanced) . Go exploring…
A collection of beautiful, flowing piano “sketches” (Early to Late Elementary). Go exploring…
A collection of beautiful, flowing piano “sketches” (Late Elementary to Early Intermediate). Go exploring…
A collection of beautiful, flowing piano “sketches” (Mid Intermediate to Early Advanced). Go exploring…
A collection of fast and furious pieces – how fast can you go (Early to Late Elementary)? Go exploring…
More fast and furious pieces (Late Elementary to Early Intermediate) Go exploring…
Soar through the skies in this exploration of the first six major keys (Early Intermediate). Go exploring…
Soar through the skies in this exploration of the six “trickier” major keys (Mid Intermediate). Go exploring…
An exploration of “flowing” sounds (Late Intermediate to Advanced). Go exploring…
An exploration of “groovy” sounds (Late Intermediate to Advanced). Go exploring…
Fast, fun and epic pieces (Late Intermediate to Early Advanced). Go exploring…
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